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17 November 2020 @ 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Join the Pakistan Business Professional Council (PBPC) Abu Dhabi for a webinar hosted by the Canadian Business Council (CBC) Abu Dhabi in collaboration with Fragomen on UAE Immigration Update – What Businesses need to know.
Expert speakers will be presenting the following topics:
UAE trends and updates: visas, re-entry requirements, quarantine and work permits
Future hiring: how employers can plan for the future
Tawteen: suspension and future outlook
Future hiring: how employers can plan for the future
Tawteen: suspension and future outlook
About Fragomen
Fragomen is a leading provider of immigration services worldwide. We have more than 4,200 professionals in more than 50 offices located in EMEA, the Americas and Asia Pacific, including Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Qatar in the Middle East. In total, Fragomen offers support in more than 170 countries. The firm provides services to many of the world’s leading corporations and supports all aspects of global immigration, including strategic planning, quality management, compliance, government relations, reporting, and case management and processing.
- Iftekharul Haque
Iftekharul is a Practice Leader in Fragomen’s Abu Dhabi office. He has been with the firm for more than 11 years and is responsible for managing the UAE inbound immigration team. He has extensive experience in UAE immigration policies and procedures, and leverages this knowledge to provide trusted immigration support to a diverse range of clients across numerous industries, from engineering to manufacturing. Iftekharul also maintains strong relationships with government authorities in the UAE and is relied upon to resolve particularly complex cases or roadblocks in immigration processes.
Iftekharul speaks English, Arabic, Urdu and Hindi.
- Shoaib Khaleeli
Shoaib Khaleeli is an Assistant Manager in Fragomen’s Abu Dhabi office. Shoaib specializes in UAE In-bound processes and currently manages all Abu Dhabi immigration matters. Shoaib has over ten years of business experience in advising clients from national governments, startups to large corporates. Shoaib is responsible for developing and implementing sustainable immigration programs in the UAE. Shoaib advises clients across a diverse range of industries from Banking and Finance, Oil and Gas, Information Technology, Media, and the Defence and Consulting.
Prior to joining Fragomen, Shoaib worked on nationally significant projects for the World Bank and in the Oil and Gas sector in the Middle East.
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